
Definition of beekeeping

For more than 8,000 years, humans have collected honey from wild beehives, as shown in the ancient Mesolithic rocks. These rocks show that Egyptians raised bees in artificial cells, Beekeeping is also concerned with the management and management of honey bee cells, where bees are kept for the extraction of honey, and the work is to serve bees by paying attention to bee pollinators such as flowers, fruit, vegetables and others. Beekeeping is widespread in every place, Large, rangelands and farms In the forests and deserts, and the North and South Pole to the equator.

History of beekeeping

Beekeeping has been known since ancient times, and by the 17th century people were able to learn the secrets of beekeeping. They learned how to control bees and used a barrier to protect them from bee stings. From the 17th to the 19th century, The bees, in the modern way, and these discoveries know the secrets of bee queen, the technique of mating bees, and the transfer of bees, and the development of bees, and after these discoveries enable people to work farms for bees instead of relying on natural farms,  has brought the first hives to the world from Pre-level The modern cells were made of hollow receptacles with holes built in walls. They were built of clay, porcelain or straw, but modern hives became a series of stacked boxes. At the bottom of these boxes were a nursery room For the young bees, the upper part has a storage space for honey, and there is a box consisting of eight to twelve discs, which are processed at distances and forms close to the natural hive, and bees build combs on disk tires, and then the scavenger remove wax hats that Cover each cell, as possible Use a specialized machine to rotate cell frames, and drawing the contents of the comb outside the central power of the cell, and is then stored honey and filter, and can be judged on the quality of honey according to its flavor, and color, and clarity.

Equipment for beekeeping

Some beekeeping equipment should be available, including the following: 

- Gloves for novice robe; to protect him from bee stings.
- Smoked to suppress bees.
- Solid and sharp blade, a tool to separate tires and other parts of the cell.
- Mask for face protection.
- Sheets for the extraction of honey from the center of the cell.
- Knife to open honey cells.

Langstrom cell

The Langstroth cell is an example of industrial bee hives. Langstroth discovered that humans can influence how bees are constructed by determining the distance between cell layers, the area of ​​bees' space where bees are allowed to move, caring for their young, building honey combs and also producing honey. This cell is located between the layers of honey, ranging from 6.4 to 7.9 mm. This cell uses several layers and several removable frames, which encourage bees to build cells in an orderly manner. The Langstroth cell facilitates the work of bees, During extraction Cell from the bottom of the cell to the top.

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