How many legs of a spider- Types of spiders


There are more than 46,700 species of spiders in the world, and spiders are larval animals belonging to the rank of the stables, the description of the asteroids, and the division of arthropods. Spiders are characterized by two parts, the thorax and the abdomen, and all types of spiders can produce silk threads that have several uses, including: building the net, sweeping the prey, climbing, building egg bags, and storing sperm temporarily. All spiders are predatory animals that often feed on arthropods, especially insects. Spiders vary in size, from no more than one millimeter, such as spiders belonging to the Micryphantinae, while the longest and heaviest spiders, tarantulas, are nine centimeters long and have a leg span of 25 Centimeter.

Number of spider legs

The spider has eight legs in the vertical chest area, and each man is divided into seven parts. The spider's legs are covered with a layer of hair. Each hair ends with a set of micro-sized feet that enable the spider to cling to the very small protrusions on the surface it is walking on. The spiders can walk easily on the vertical surfaces,  The spiders move through muscle contraction. When the muscles in the inner part of the skeleton become constricted, the legs move inwards, but a Legs do not have the muscles to extend the legs back, instead uses blood pressure to supply it, and if the lack of water level in the spider's body will not be able to generate enough pressure to extend the legs, Vttoy spider legs under his body and unable to move.

Description of spider body

The spider's body consists of two parts, the thoracic head, a chest, and the only exception in the spider world is the assassin spiders, whose thoracic head is divided into two separate units. The thoracic head and the abdomen are associated with a small pelvis called the pedicle. The importance of the pedicle is that it enables the spider to move the abdomen freely in all directions.The thoracic head of the spider contains lozenges, which resemble small legs that have a role in sensation, In the control of prey, feeding, and network spinning. The ends of the whispers in the adult males turn into specialized structures in the transfer of sperm to the female during mating. The parasites can differentiate between male and female spiders; the end of the parasites is enlarged in males. Spiders do not have mouth parts that help chew food. They contain small spores, through which the spider can absorb fluids in the prey. There are also pluses that help fix the prey so that the spider can pump the poison. The abdomen contains vital internal organs such as breathing organs , The reproductive system, and the digestive system, and are connected to the abdomen, the number of pairs ranging from 1-4 pairs called spinners, which in turn are related to silk glands used by spiders for silk yarn. It is worth mentioning that spiders eat the old network when it is decided to weave a new network because silk yarn component Of the protein that provides its bodies with the energy needed for the construction process.

The mechanism of breathing spiders

The breathing mechanism of the spiders varies depending on the species you belong to. The following are ways to breathe spiders:

- Spayed spiders, nipple mediums, tarantula spiders, and some spiders breathe in the shape of a couple of written lungs containing hemolymph fluid, which enters oxygen from openings below the abdomen.

- Most spiders breathe in the form of one pair of written lungs, in addition to tubes called the trachea, where the oxygen spreads to the hemolymph, or to the tissues and organs directly. The air enters the tubes through a pair of breathing holes, and the holes are openings on the chest, The abdomen is in some types of spiders, but it has coalesced to be a single hole near the gazelles in most types of spiders.

- Some spiders breathe in small shape cartilage using only the bronchial tubes. The clogged lungs are either reduced or missing.
- Some spiders living in wet environments breathe directly through the surface of the skin. They do not contain special organs to breathe.

Types of spiders

Spiders are divided into two subtypes or two subtypes:

- Spiders or nipple medium (Mesothelae): Spiders are small, light-weight spindles that are spun on the lower part of the middle of the abdomen, and their belly is divided into pieces as in the scorpion. It includes one family of spiders, the spiders (the scientific name: Liphistiidae).
- Modern spiders or nipple backgrounds (scientific name: Opisthothelae):

Spiders that are spun on the back of the abdomen, divided into two parts:

- The spiders are large, their bodies cover a lot of hair, they can prey on frogs, lizards and snails, and can live in captivity for up to 25 years.
- The most common types of spiders are 90% spiders, for example the Bagheera kiplingi (the only species of spiders that feed on plants, the Brazilian spider) Brazilian wandering spider is the most toxic spiders in the world.