Stages of growth of cats

The birth of cats

Most cats are born, so that their head is released before the rest of their bodies, but some can be born on the contrary. The average number of cats in one birth is usually four cats, and there can be at least one cat or at least seven cats. The cats are surrounded by a thin membrane and removed by the mother's teeth and tongue. The weight of the cat at birth is 100-142 grams and is about 8 centimeters long.

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Stages of growth of cats

Cats up to six months old

At this stage cats begin to grow rapidly, but do not reach sexual maturity.The first six weeks are one of the fastest growing stages in cats. At this stage, the cat requires full care and proper nutrition until its development develops. , and cats begin to move outside their womb when they reach their first month of age, depending on their growth, size, weight, and genetic factors.

Cats are six months to two years old

This stage of cat growth is parallel to that of a person at the age of 15, The cats' weight in their sixth month is usually 2.3 kg. When the cats are about to reach their first year of age, their skeletal structure is fully developed, and cats are sexually mature (6-8 months).

Cats are three to ten years old

When the cat is 3-6 years old, he becomes more mature, his behavioral and physical maturity evolves, he becomes active, flexible, and healthy, and cats aged seven to ten become just as mature as the mid-40s or 50s.

The big cat is eleven to fourteen years old

The cat at this stage is like humans at the age of 70 years, and after the tenth year of the cats life begins to stop gradually, and the level of activity decreases significantly at the end of this stage, and therefore prefer to take care of feeding cats in this period, Her veterinary care, so as to maintain her safety.

The cat is older than 15 years

Most cats do not reach the age of 15 years or more, and it is also noteworthy that they show no signs of aging.